Your reliable AI-Assistant for systematic ESG analysis

Extend your quantitative ESG research on companies with daily qualitative data from the news using our innovative collaboration approach

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Covering all relevant ESG events

The complete taxonomy covers the full range of ESG relevant activities. Monitor R&D advances, saving efforts, mitigations, goals, investments, partnerships, regulatory implications, transparency & compliance and reputation.

Climate change & sustainability

Companies wasting fossil fuels vs implementing green technology for a sustainable use of all natural resources.

Pollution, waste & nature protection

Efforts on air and water pollution, waste and protection of land, flora and fauna.

Ecological compliance

Compliance to ecological guidelines and standards, ecological justice and Green Finance.

Human capital policy

Workplace policies such as compensation, development, health and safety of companies' greatest assets.

Product liability & responsibility

Ensuring product safety and health, responding to consumer preferences.

Corporate social responsibility

E.g. Investments in communities or charity.

Corporate governance

Standards which companies pledge to enforce and how they perform.

Financials governance

Adhering to true financial reporting, solid accounting and firm auditing principles.

Track important ESG indicators and compare your company to your competitors environmental social and governance aspirations


Less resources


Faster reaction time


More results


More team satisfaction

The ESG tracking solution

Based on our news monitor, we cover all relevant ESG topics
24/7 news scans

Our cutting edge NLP machine scans millions of ESG related articles – fully automated all around the clock.

Tagging the relevant

The AI reads through the ESG articles like a business analyst and marks relevant snippets. The sequences are tagged, classified and collected in the Glanos database.

Based on high quality sources

We offer best-in-class breadth through premium news-content providers as well as our own public data ingestions, e.g. web pages.

Integrate into your landscape

We offer integrations into common tools like Slack, MS Teams and CRMs.

Advanced insights for your ESG accountability

Less tedious collection of data - more time for applying your core expertise. Work with concentrated gems of information - data-science ready.
Fast overview

Get snippets containing the most relevant core information in an intuitive dashboard.

Smart AI meta-data and structured sentiment

Relevant meta data is tagged and adds structured sentiment to discern the sentiment reason. Ready to be aggregated for instant insights.

Data analytics-ready

The highly concentrated snippets provide an excellent basis for further ESG analytics.

Discover the use cases of our clients

We cover a wide spectrum of discovery use-cases.
Investment and Supplier Screening
Official ESG reports lag behind and do not tell everything. Profit from the continuous analysis and converage in international news.
  • Detect problems as early as possible and avoid bad surprises.
  • Uncover hidden relations.
  • Be ahead of your competitor with an innovative 360° view on all ESG relevant data
Prepare analysis, presentations and studies. More efficient and objective than ever through AI. You can monitor e.g.
  • Track industry developments
  • Monitor STEEPLE – social, technological, economical, ecological, polictical, legal or ethical
  • Prepare popular analysis approaches like SWOT, PEST etc.
Understand current trends to enable an informed basis to plan and continuously adjust your strategy.
  • Detect disruptive events early
  • Be aware of external factors to your strategy like regulations
  • Understand and prepare for long-time trends and detect the most innovative in your area.
Let’s get in contact

We offer customizations for your specific needs and use cases

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  • Please contact for product inquiries or arrange a meeting  for product demonstrations or call +49 89 998 299 157
  • If you want to apply for a job, please send your CV to or leave a message on the answering machine of +49 89 998 299 150 and we will call you back.
  • For all further inquiries please write to