Anonymize documents automatically

Make confidential documents shareable and sanitised in alignment with legal obligations. Remove privacy-related blockers to document processing. As Cloud SaaS or on-premise.
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What makes unique?

  • Highly customizable:

    • Extensions to all types of confidential data are possible
    • Lots of available settings and preconfigured scenarios available
    • Train the AI according to your needs
    • Premium service available for ultimate fitting

  • Deep text understanding: Glanos’ unique NLP technology understands textual content and goes beyond counting occurrences – it semantically analyzes unstructured text and uncovers meaning.
  • Active research: Active collaborations with universities and unique NLP approaches for state-of-the-art AI results.
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Discover anonymization use cases

Passing confidential documents

Typical corporate processes involve passing confidential documents to external or internal processors (e.g. translators, auditors, consultants or subject matter experts) which have different access and viewing permissions.

Cloud services

Ensure that you can pass data to third-party cloud solutions, like AWS/Azure/Dropbox cloud storage, AI engines, machine translation etc.

GDPR / DSGVO regulated data

Secure storage is needed not only for highly confidential but also for person-related data, regulated by GDPR / DSGVO. Protect your customers' privacy.

Disclosure requirements

In many industries, legal obligations require publishing documents in anonymized form (e.g. results of bank stress tests).

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Contact Us

  • Please contact for product inquiries or arrange a meeting  for product demonstrations or call +49 89 998 299 157
  • If you want to apply for a job, please send your CV to or leave a message on the answering machine of +49 89 998 299 150 and we will call you back.
  • For all further inquiries please write to